The Agora Group
A Discussion forum in Berne, Switzerland
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Calendar |
This web page is in development. Suggestions and help are welcome.
- What is the Agora Group
- Vision - a way for local English speakers to get together and talk
- Themes - abstract and concrete topics which we can get our teeth into,
in the areas of science, technology, health, philosophy, social themes, ...
- Un-themes - we don't concentrate on the basic themes of life in Switzerland
(the lower layers of the Mazlov pyramid) - there are other forums for this
- Strategies - What happens in real life?
- We have monthly meetings - such as the Philo Cafe, or a presentation,
often together with other groups
- In conjunction with presentations and events in the German or French language
we have an "add-on" meeting before or afterwards for discussion in English
- We coordinate with activities of the International Club of Berne
and any other organisations, for instance schools
- Strategies - What happens in cyberspace?
- We use a web page - at present in development. It may include an open blog or forum.
- We coordinate with an online mailing list "bernagora"
- We coordinate with a calendar
- Organisation
- We have no statutes or membership fee (in 2009). All are welcome to attend meetings and join the online list.
- We will have an organisation committee. Volunteers are welcome. Decisions are democratic.
- Membership of the International Club of Berne costs 35.- a year, 45..- for families. Agora members are encouraged to join ICB
if they are interested in its activities.
- Advertising
- We publish activities on different online forums, such as the Berne Kulturagenda
- Members should help recruit others into the group.
- We will provide posters, visiting and program cards which can be downloaded
- Who we are - this section will grow and be placed on a members page
- Graham Tritt - information specialist and networker
- Peter Clamann - professor of neurophysiology
- Ulrike Henkenmeier - theologist and youth worker
- Links