Checkups and Reviews
Technical English

BIT-courses are once a week for 80 minutes. Times available are early morning (0730-0850), lunchtime (1210-1330), afternoon (1630-1750).

IT DEPENDS ON YOUR WISHES! It is easiest if you build up a group of 3-6 persons who are available at the same time and share the cost.The course is supported by online communication.

Englisch für AnfangerStufe A1-A2
Business / IT EnglishStufe B1-B2
AdvancedStufe B2-C1

In-company courses can be from one to four sessions a week.

The periods

January-March10 weeks
April-June10 weeks
September-November10 weeks

It is possible to join an existigng course, if there is space available.

Contact us for further information.