
Events in Switzerland    Organisations in Switzerland

Mail me grahamtritt@hotmail.com if your organisation is not listed, or if you disagree with the listing. I am not responsible for the reliability or currentness of the linked pages.

My aim is to share news and information about events in Switzerland, giving contact information. This list is now sorted by canton and club type (see CH for Swiss and INT for international organisations).

Club types are coded as follows:

The AWC Zurich maintains a good list of local clubs under http://www.acz.ch/clubsoci.htm
cultural  INT  Federation of American Women's Clubs Overseas http://www.fawco.org/
health  INT  The European Laughter Society http://www.hahahahaha.org/ els@globalinitiative.org
sport  INT  Hash House Harriers www.cix.co.uk/~bicesterh3/uk
church  CH  Church of England http://www.anglican.ch/
church  CH  New Apostolic Church in Switzerland nak.ch/index-gb.html 
cultural  CH  American International Club http://www.amclub.ch/ admin@amclub.ch
cultural  CH  Federation of Anglo-Swiss Clubs http://www.angloswissclubs.ch/ info@fasc.ch
cultural  CH  Irish Dancing - newsgroup go.to/irishch hope.kambach@dplanet.ch
cultural  CH  South African Club alte Badenerstrasse 4, 8173 Neerach 
cultural  CH  Swiss New Zealand Association http://www.nzclub.ch/
cultural  CH  Aussies Abroad Zurich 
news  CH  Swiss Radio International www.swissinfo.org/sen/Swissinfo.html?siteSect=100 english@swissinfo.org
news  CH  Swisscc - Commonwealth Contacts besu.ch/swisscc
news  CH  Swisscities http://www.swisscities.com/
political  CH  American Citizens Abroad http://www.aca.ch/ acage@aca.ch
political  CH  American Democrats Abroad  mailto:113005.605@compuserve.com
political  CH  Australian Immigration & Trade Services 3852 Ringgenberg BE Postfach 3800 Interlaken  Tel 033 - 823 09 53 Fax 033 - 823 09 52 
political  CH  Australian Mission and Consulate ch. des Fins 2 (Genève) 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex / GE  Tel. 022 - 799 91 00 fax 022 - 799 91 78 
political  CH  Australian Swiss Chamber of Commerce and Industry Pestalozzi Haegi & Partner, Arterstr. 24 , 8032 Zürich ZH  Tel 01 - 254 34 94 Fax 01 - 254 34 10 
political  CH  British Conservative Association of Switzerland home.worldcom.ch/pgodden/
political  CH  Republicans Abroad Switzerland 
prof/cultural  CH  British Council http://www.britishcouncil.ch/
professional  CH  Association of International Librarians and Information Specialists 
professional  CH  Association of International Librarians and Information Specialists ailis.cern.ch
professional  CH  British-Swiss Chamber of Commerce Freiestrasse 155, CH-8032 Zürich, Switzerland http://www.bscc.co.uk/ mailto:bscc@bscc.co.ukTel 01 422 3131, Fax 01 422 3244 
professional  CH  English Teachers Association of Switzerland http://www.e-tas.ch/
professional  CH  Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce http://www.amcham.ch/
professional  CH  Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce http://www.amcham.ch/
professional  CH  Swissenglish - for English teachers besu.ch/swissenglish
professional  CH  The British-Swiss Chamber of Commerce Freiestrasse 155, CH-8032 Zürich, Switzerland www.bscc.co.uk/ mailto:bscc@bscc.co.ukTel: +41 (0)1 422 3131, Fax: +41 (0)1 422 3244 
sport  CH  American Rules Football 
sport  CH  Anglo-Swiss Golf Society http://www.sportsnet.ch/
sport  CH  Baseball 
sport  CH  Bridge Association 
sport  CH  Darts 
sport  CH  Federation Suisse de Rugby http://www.club-des-sports.ch/rugby-suisse/index.html
sport  CH  Frisbee 
sport  CH  Hash House Harriers www.cix.co.uk/~bicesterh3/uk/
sport  CH  Swiss Land Hockey http://www.landhockey.ch/
sport  CH  Swiss Rugby Clubs http://www.rugby.ch/ Tel 022 - 311 43 01 
sport  CH  Swiss Cricket Association http://www.swisscricket.ch/
sport  CH  Swiss Field Hockey Assocciation www.fieldhockey.ch/
cultural  UK  Swiss events in Britain www.swissembassy.org.uk/whatson.htm
cultural  UK  Swiss Societies in UK www.swissembassy.org.uk/general/chclubs.htm
cultural  AG  English-Speaking Club (Baden/Brugg) http://www.brugg-online.ch/scripts/bonline/vereine/portrait.idc?vereinID=239 mailto:mislin-tours@bluewin.chtel 056-443 26 88 
cultural  AG  English-Speaking Club Aarau members.tripod.com/~ESCAarau/  tel 062-824 25 86 fax 062-824 25 86 
cultural  AG  English-Speaking Club Aarau Tel/Fax: 062-824 25 86 http://www.angloswissclubs.ch/
cultural  AG  English-Speaking Club Baden / Brugg Tel: 056-443 26 88 http://www.angloswissclubs.ch/ mislin-tours@bluewin.ch
church  BE  Baha'i-Gemeinde Bern Dufourstrasse 13, Berne  mailto:www.bahai.ch
church  BE  English-Speaking Roman Catholic Community of Berne Bruderklaus, Burgenziel tritt.bizland.com/ec_berne 
church  BE  Philadelphia Church Sulgeneckstr. 60, 3005 Bern BE  Tel 031 - 371 70 07 
church  BE  St. Ursula's Church in Berne www.mysunrise.ch/users/hector/stu/welcome.html chaplain@bluewin.ch Tel. 031 352 85 67 Fax: 031 351 05 48 
church  BE  Vineyard Bern Worship Services  mailto:office@vineyard-bern.ch
cultural  BE  American Women's Club of Berne http://www.awcbern.org/
cultural  BE  Australian - New Zealand Contact Club tritt.bizland.com/anzcc/index.htm 
cultural  BE  Biel / Bienne English Club Tel: 032-341 27 51 http://www.angloswissclubs.ch/ arnold.nidau@globalpoint.ch
cultural  BE  English Club Langenthal Tel: 062-751 94 67 http://www.angloswissclubs.ch/ mike.pavel@ch.mullermartini.com tel 062-751 94 67 
cultural  BE  English Club of Biel  arnold.nidau@globalpoint.ch tel 032-341 27 51 
cultural  BE  English Club, Toggenburg ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/englishclub englishclub@compuserve.com tel 071-993 15 43 
cultural  BE  English Library of Berne tritt.bizland.com/el_berne 
cultural  BE  English-Speaking Club of Berne Laupenstr. 17, 3008 Bern www.englishclub.ch mail@englishclub.ch tel. 031-381 63 64 
cultural  BE  English-Speaking Club of Berne On Brian's pages -great photos http://http://www.brianhennessy.ch/ESC.htm
cultural  BE  Friends of Ireland Paddy Quinche, tel / fax 031 931 2978 
cultural  BE  Instinctive Acts, the English Department theatre group www.creative-writing.ch/events.html
cultural  BE  International Club of Berne www.icb.ch.vu
cultural  BE  People to People Berne Chapter Berne Chapter besu.ch/ptpberne
cultural  BE  SMS English Club Biel Tel: 032-322 02 67 Fax: 032-322 02 67 http://www.angloswissclubs.ch/ tel 032-322 02 67 fax 032-322 02 67 
cultural  BE  Swiss-British Society Berne Tel: 031-631 37 59 www.cx.unibe.ch/ens/sbs/home.html franz.andres@ens.unibe.ch tel 031-631 37 59 
cultural  BE  Zentrum 5 Interculturelles Begegnungszentrum Flurstr. 26b, Bern  zentrum5@freesurf.ch
dance  BE  Scottish Country Dancing Club Berne http://www.scottap.com/scd Shelagh Brawand 031 829 1557
health  BE  Al-Anon Berne tritt.bizland.com/alanon/index.htm 
health  BE  Help and Information Centre for Elderly, Palliative and Terminal Care http://www.stchristopherproject.org/
prof/cultural  BE  Swiss American Society Bern 
professional  BE  AILIS Berne ailis.cern.ch mailto:genevieve.clavel@slb.admin.ch
professional  BE  Toastmasters Club of Berne fast.to/tc_berne 
school  BE  English Speaking Playgroup Association  031-332 92 92 
school  BE  English-speaking Mums Group (Thun) 
sport  BE  Bern Hash House Harries - running club www.harrier.ch/harrier/Likkmm/Bern/ MikeGoodwinCH@hotmail.com 
sport  BE  Berne Cricket Club www.widco.ch/BerneCricketClub/Pages/english/main.html Phil Gooda, 031 312 4652 
sport  BE  Berner Hockey Club wwwplus.pctip.ch/sukkulent/bhcindex.htm
sport  BE  Land Hockey - BSC Young Boys http://www.ybhockey.ch/
sport  BE  Land Hockey - HS Burgdorf home.sunrise.ch/chhess
sport  BE  Rugby Club Bern http://www.rugby.ch/clubs/bern
church  BS  Anglican Church in Basle St. Johanns-Ring 92, 4056 Basel BS http://www.centrepoint.ch/Anglican/homepage.htm ang_church.basel@datacomm.ch Tel 061 - 321 74 77 Fax 061 - 321 74 76 
church  BS  English-Speaking Roman Catholic Community of Basel 
church  BS  Mission der Brüdergemeinde Leimenstr. 10, 4051 Basel BS  Tel 061 - 273 40 70 Fax 061 - 273 40 73 
cultural  BS  American Women’s Club of Basle www.awcbasel.org
cultural  BS  Anglo-Swiss Club Basle Tel: 061-461 45 36 or 061- 313 03 13 http://www.angloswissclubs.ch/ claude_roger.boehler@sn.novartis.com
cultural  BS  British Circle of Basel http://www.centrepoint.ch/BritishCircle/Index.html john.pearson@datacomm.ch tel 061-701 61 68 fax 061-701 61 13 
cultural  BS  Centrepoint, Basel http://www.centrepoint.ch/
cultural  BS  English Language Library of Basel http://www.centrepoint.ch/ELL/Index.htm
cultural  BS  English-speaking Community Center (Basel) http://www.centrepoint.ch/
cultural  BS  Golden Group Social Club www.swisscities.com/golden
cultural  BS  International Club of Basel www.centrepoint.ch/icb/index.htm mailto:ritmag@bluewin.ch
cultural  BS  Semicircle - English language amateur theatre Basel www.semi-circle.ch
dance  BS  Scottish Country Dance Basel http://www.centrepoint.ch/ScottishCountryDancingClub
news  BS  Basler Zeitung http://www.baz.ch/englishcorner/
prof/cultural  BS  Swiss-American Society of Basel http://www.centrepoint.ch/SwissAmericanSociety marg.geo.segal@datacomm.ch
professional  BS  Professional Women's Group of Basel Centrepoint, Im Lohnhof 8, 4051 Basel, Switzerland www.centrepoint.ch/pwg pwg@swissonline.ch
professional  BS  Toastmasters Club of Basel http://www.geocities.com/baseltoasters
school  BS  Cornell Club of Switzerland  bsm15@cornell.edu
school  BS  Open Door (Basel, for families with young children) www.centrepoint.ch/OpenDoor/home.htm
sport  BS  Basel Cricket Club n.ethz.ch/student/tufailfa/bcc.html
sport  BS  Basel-Stadt Hash House Harriers basel.harrier.ch/
sport  BS  Basler Hockey Club http://www.bhc.ch/
sport  BS  Rugby Club Basel www.datacomm.ch/rugbybasel
school  CH  Swiss Federation of Private Schools http://www.swiss-schools.ch/ info@swiss-schools.ch tel. 0848 88 41 51 
cultural  FR  Anglo-Swiss Club of Fribourg Tel: 026-481 59 28 http://www.angloswissclubs.ch/ nigel.coombs@mail.mcnet.ch tel 026-481 59 28 
church  GE  Anglican Church of the Holy Trinity homepage.iprolink.ch/~geneva-h
church  GE  Church and Community House rue de Monthoux 3, 1201 Genève GE  Tel *022 - 732 80 78 Fax *022 - 738 46 37 
church  GE  Church of Jésus Christ of Latter Day Saints av. Louis-Casaï 32, 1216 Cointrin GE  Tel 022 - 798 61 36 Fax 022 - 788 30 05 
church  GE  Church of the Holy Trinity rue du Mont-Blanc 14Bis, 1201 Genève GE  Tel 022 - 731 51 55 
church  GE  English-Speaking Lutheran Church in Geneva http://www.genevalutheran.ch/
church  GE  Episcopal Parish of Geneva http://http://www.emmanuelchurch.ch/11Jun01/home.html
church  GE  Evangelical Baptist Church of Geneva rue Tabazan 7, 1204 Genève GE http://www.ebcg.ch/
church  GE  Geneva Church of Christ geneva-churchofchrist.com
church  GE  Lutheran Church of Geneva rue Verdaine 20, 1204 Genève GE  Tel 022 - 310 50 89 
church  GE  Roman Catholic Parish of Jean XXIII ch. Adolphe-Pasteur 35, 1209 Genève GE  Tel 022 - 733 04 83 Fax 022 - 919 19 39 
cultural  GE  American Center of Geneva http://www.acga.ch/
cultural  GE  American International Club of Geneva http://http://www.amclub.ch/ admin@amclub.ch
cultural  GE  American Women's Club of Geneva http://www.awcgeneva.com/ awc_ge@freesurf.ch
cultural  GE  Anglo-Swiss Club of Geneva Tel: 022-730 05 17 (day), Tel: 022-788 09 96 (eve.) http://www.angloswissclubs.ch/ slessor@intracen.org tel 022-788 09 96 
cultural  GE  English-Speaking Club Geneva Tel: 022-781 49 41 http://www.angloswissclubs.ch/ victor_wolff@hotmail.com tel 022-781 49 41 
cultural  GE  Geneva Amateur Operatic Society softball.cern.ch/Theatre/GAOS.html 
cultural  GE  Geneva English Drama Society softball.cern.ch/Theatre/GEDS.html 
cultural  GE  Geneva Irish Association  L Cleland-Marie 022 736 43 36 
cultural  GE  Geneva Writers Group http://www.genevawritersgroup.org/
cultural  GE  Golden Group (Geneva, for retired and semi-retired people) 
cultural  GE  Little Theater of Geneva softball.cern.ch/Theatre/LTG.html 
cultural  GE  Seulmates Singles Group Geneva www.swisscities.com/seulmates
cultural  GE  Theatre in English softball.cern.ch/Theatre/TiE.html 
dance  GE  Geneva Scottish Country Dance Club blake.home.cern.ch/blake/scd
professional  GE  AILIS library assoication Geneva and Berne ailis.cern.ch mailto:ailis@who.ch
professional  GE  International Conference Volunteers http://www.icvolunteers.org/
professional  GE  Toastmasters Club of Geneva http://www.swisscities.com/toast/geneva/index.htm
sport  GE  Association Cantonale Genevoise de Rugby http://www.club-des-sports.ch/acgr/
sport  GE  CERN Cricket Club club-cricket.web.cern.ch/Club-Cricket/
sport  GE  Geneva Cricket Club http://www.swisscricket.ch/
sport  GE  Leman Geneva Hash House Harriers (LGH3) eklund.home.cern.ch/eklund/onon/lgh3/
sport  GE  Servette Hockey ClubGenf www.perso.ch/servettehc/
cultural  GR  English-Speaking Club of Chur Tel: 081-284 75 88 http://www.angloswissclubs.ch/ tel 081-284 75 88 
sport  GR  St. Moritz Cricket Club http://www.swisscricket.ch/
sport  GR  Zuoz Cricket Club http://www.zuozclub.com/
church  LU  All Saints' Church Postfach 7653, 6000 Luzern 7  Tel 041 - 410 14 67 
church  LU  Anglican-Episcopal Church of Lucerne Abendweg 1, 6006 Luzern LU 
cultural  LU  Anglo-Swiss Club of Lucerne Tel: 041-377 34 12 http://www.angloswissclubs.ch/ jaskins@centralnet.ch tel 041-377 34 12 
cultural  LU  International Women's Club of Lucerne www.swisscities.com/iwcl Tel. 041/ 755 34 47, Fax 041/ 755 34 67
prof/cultural  LU  Swiss American Society Lucerne  106245.2263@bluewin.ch
sport  LU  Lucerne Hash House Harriers www.harrier.ch/harrier/Likkmm/Luzern/
sport  LU  Luzerner SC http://www.luzerner-sc.ch/
sport  LU  Rugby Club Lucerne http://www.rugbyclubluzern.ch/Home.asp?Language=E
cultural  NE  Anglo-Swiss Club Neuchatel Tel: 032-725 33 61 http://www.angloswissclubs.ch/
cultural  NE  Anglo-Swiss Club of Neuchatel  tel 032-725 33 61 
cultural  NE  International English-Speaking Club La Chaux-de-Fonds  hynatec@swissonline.ch tel 032-913 38 61 
cultural  NE  International English-Speaking Club Neuchatel Tel: 032-913 38 61 http://www.angloswissclubs.ch/ hynatec@swissonline.ch
cultural  SG  Anglo-Swiss Circle of St Gallen  john_waygood@hotmail.com tel 071-455 17 66 
cultural  SG  Anglo-Swiss Circle St Gallen Tel: 071-455 17 66 http://www.angloswissclubs.ch/ john_waygood@hotmail.com
cultural  SG  English Club Toggenburg Tel: 071-993 15 43 http://www.angloswissclubs.ch/ englishclub@compuserve.com
prof/cultural  SG  Swiss-American Society St. Gallen  cadprofi@bluewin.ch
church  SH  English speaking church in Schaffhausen http://www.nazarener.ch/programme.html
cultural  SO  Anglo-Swiss Club Solothurn Tel: 032-672 32 30 http://www.angloswissclubs.ch/ tel 032-672 32 30 
sport  SO  Hockey ClubOlten http://www.hc-olten.ch/
sport  SO  Hockey ClubRotweiss Wettingen http://www.rww.ch/
sport  SO  Hockey ClubSteffisburg http://www.hcsteffisburg.ch/
sport  SO  Hockey ClubWettingen http://www.hcwettingen.ch/
church  TI  Anglican Church of St. Edward in Lugano http://www.netministries.org/churches/ch09155/
cultural  TI  American Women of Ticino AWOT  jonsi@bluewin.ch
cultural  TI  Anglo-Swiss Club Locarno Tel: 091-751 44 39 http://www.angloswissclubs.ch/
cultural  TI  Anglo-Swiss Club of Locarno  tel 091-751 44 39 
cultural  TI  Big Ben Club Lugano Tel: 091-921 44 30 Fax: 091-921 44 37 http://www.angloswissclubs.ch/ thetisbv@netscape.net
cultural  TI  Big Ben Club, Lugano  thetisbv@netscape.net tel 091-921 44 30 fax 091-921 44 37 
sport  TI  Hockey Athletic Club Lugano http://www.hacl.ch/
church  VD  Anglican Episcopal Church of Lausanne http://www.whurl.com/christchurch/
church  VD  Christ Church Anglican av. de l'Eglise-Anglaise 1, 1006 Lausanne VD  Tel 021 - 617 76 70 
church  VD  Church of Scotland Presbyterian av. de Rumine 26, 1005 Lausanne VD  Tel 021 - 323 98 28 
church  VD  First Church of Christ Scientist av. Ste-Luce 9, 1003 Lausanne VD  Tel 021 - 312 94 90 
church  VD  Scots Kirk of Lausanne http://www.scots-kirk-lausanne.org/
church  VD  St John's Anglican Church, Montreux ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/pparry
church  VD  The Anglican Church of St John the Evangelist Montreux 
cultural  VD  American Women's Club of Lausanne  awc_lausanne@span.ch
cultural  VD  Anglo-Swiss Club Lausanne Tel: 021-964 21 88 http://www.angloswissclubs.ch/ eileen.beesley@orange.ch
cultural  VD  Anglo-Swiss Club of Lausanne  eileen.beesley@orange.ch tel 021-964 21 88 
cultural  VD  International Club of Lausanne www.mandanet.ch/icl
school  VD  Vaud Association of Private Schools www.avdep.ch/e_avdep/eHome.htm
sport  VD  Cossonay Cricket Club Lausanne home.urbanet.ch/urba22576/home.en.htm
sport  VD  lausanne sports hockey sur terre www.vive-le-sport.ch/lausanne-sports-hockey/
cultural  ZG  English Theatre Group of Zug www.swisscities.com/etgz
cultural  ZG  International Men's Club of Zug http://www.imcz.com/
cultural  ZG  Zug International Women's Club http://www.swisscities.com/ziwc
professional  ZG  Toastmasters Club of Zug www.swisscities.ch/toast/zug
church  ZH  Baptist Church of Zürich Gheistr. 33. 8803 Rüschlikon ZH  mailto:ibcz@bluewin.chTel 01 - 710 35 73 
church  ZH  First Church of Christ Scientist beim Kreuzplatz Merkurstr. 4, 8032 Zürich ZH  Tel 01 - 261 68 30 
church  ZH  Protestant Church of Zurich Zeltweg 20, 8032 Zürich ZH  Tel 01 - 262 55 25 Fax 01 - 262 55 41 
church  ZH  St. Andrew's Church of England Promenadengasse 1, 8001 Zürich ZH  Tel 01 - 252 60 24 
cultural  ZH  American Women's Club of Zurich http://www.acz.ch webwoman@awczurich.org
cultural  ZH  British Club Zurich Tel: 01-724 28 69 http://www.angloswissclubs.ch/ jlmorganti@bluewin.ch
cultural  ZH  British Club, Zurich  jmorganti@bluewin.ch tel 01-724 28 69 
cultural  ZH  Canadian - Swiss Association P.O. Box 316, 8024 Zurich 
cultural  ZH  English Speaking Club of Zurich http://www.escz.ch/ec.htm shakeshaft.ukb@swissworld.com
cultural  ZH  English-Speaking Club of Winterthur  shakeshaft.ukb@swissworld.com tel 052-212 06 07 fax 052-212 06 07 
cultural  ZH  Irish Swiss Association Zurich  Ann Heatley 041 710 34 87 
cultural  ZH  Irish Traditional Dancing Group of Zürich www.go.to/irishdance irishdance@tiscalinet.ch
cultural  ZH  Pirate Ship Productions English Theater Group Zurich http://www.acz.ch/cspirshp.htm
cultural  ZH  Swiss Friends of the U.S.A. Postfach, 8034 Zurich http://www.sfusa.ch/ daniel.girsberger@wevi.ch
cultural  ZH  Swiss-American Society for Cultural Relations  jghandchi@bdp.ch
cultural  ZH  Swiss-British Society of Zurich http://www.angloswissclubs.ch/ tel 01-383 78 44 
cultural  ZH  Zurich Comedy Club http://www.zcc.ch/start.htm
cultural  ZH  Zurich International Women's Association http://www.ziwa.com/
news  ZH  Neue Zurcher Zeitung English Window www.nzz.ch/english/index.html
political  ZH  Republicans Abroad Switzerland 
prof/cultural  ZH  American Club of Zurich http://www.acz.ch/ aczinfo@freesurf.ch
professional  ZH  Toastmasters Club of Zurich http://www.toastmasters.ch/
school  ZH  Harvard Club of Switzerland  bettina.c.loustalot@csg.ch
school  ZH  Stanford St. Moritz Conference, Inc. 
school  ZH  University of Michigan Business School Alumni Club of Switzerland  mailto:beat.geissler@ezi.net
social  ZH  Zurich: Aussies Abroad Chris Szaday 01 341 2426 email 
sport  ZH  Classic Cricket Club Hockey Club http://www.swisscricket.ch/ imrandedhi@freesurf.ch
sport  ZH  Flying Hoppers Hockey Club www.gclandhockey.ch/fh/flyinghoppers.htm
sport  ZH  Grasshoppers Zürich Hockey Club http://www.gclandhockey.ch/
sport  ZH  Nomads' Cricket Club http://www.swisscricket.ch/
sport  ZH  Red Sox Zürich www.home.ch/~spaw1356/redsox/
sport  ZH  Royal Lankans' Cricket Club http://www.swisscricket.ch/ perlyn@datacomm.ch
sport  ZH  Rugby Club Zürich http://www.rczurich.ch/
sport  ZH  Winterthur Cricket Club http://www.winterthurcc.ch/
sport  ZH  Zurich Hash House Harriers http://www.zh3.ch/