This was read at Sophie by Nazanin in Farsi, Eric in German, and Graham in English.

The Storyteller's Heart

Farokhi Sistani, 11th Century Persia

Das Herz des Dichters

Mein Herz liess ich an so manchen Orten 
als Liebespfand,
Ein Herz so merkwürdig, 
wie der Herrgott kein anderes erfand.

Mein Herz, obwohl voller Lieben, 
ist nur eins,
Zeig mir ein Herz in der Welt, 
bevölkert wie meins. 

Verwirrt bin ich 
und voller Erstaun',
Das im Herzen, o Gott, 
so viele Lieben haben Raum.

Müde der Liebe wird sogar 
ein Herz mit noch mehr Gier,
Nicht so mein Herz, 
drum wehe mir, weh mir!

Dass Liebe ein Ereignis ist, 
weiss nicht das achtlose Herz,
Dessen Leid sogar nicht standhält 
ein Berg aus Erz.

The Storyteller's Heart

I have left my heart in so many places
in return for love,
a heart so unique, 
God has made no other like it.

Although my heart is full of love,
it is but one,
Show me another in this world
which contains as much as mine.

I am so confused, 
and amazed, o God,
That hearts have room
to contain so many loves. 

A greedier heart 
would be tired of love,
But not mine,
so pity me, pity me!

The careless heart does not know
that love just happens,
A mountain of earth
cannot withstand its suffering.



The height of culture and science in Central Asia was during the 10th and 11th centuries. Under the power of Naser or the Ghaznevid reign established by Aleptagin Shah in 972 AD, the city of Ghazni prospered. With the massive economic boost the city gained in the trade of arts, literature, and science. ...

The leading elegist in the Dari language was Farokhi Sistani; his works are considered the most pleasant and harmonious. Farokhi also was a composer of music, and he skillfully mastered and created new styles which are still embedded in traditional Afghan music. His poems became lyrics to countless songs in the courts.
