English Discussions - with guest speakers

Aim: Structure: Following introductions to the participants, the chairman will describe the programme and introduce the speaker of the evening.

The next 30 minutes will feature a stimulating presentation. At the end of this, several problem or questions may be defined. These should be solved or answered during the second half of the meeting, and groups will be formed to work on them..

During the dinner break, discussions can continue in the working groups.  The aim is to prepare answers which will be presented by the group during the second half of the meeting.

These presentations will be evaluated for presentation technique and for English usage (but not for the value of the solution) Constructive evaluations of delivery and English will be made according to Toastmasters principles.

Format: Half discussion, half problem solving and presentation  A light dinner will be served at 2000.
Theme: defined in advance, see calendar
Time: 19:00-21:30
Location: Rest. Galaxy
Fee: 20.- plus your dinner, or 100.- for 6 meetings
Moderator: experienced communicators and workshop leaders
Web page: swissenglish/cafe
Mailing list: swissenglish-c
Registration by email

The cafe is announced in advance in the mailing list with speaker and topic. A report on the meeting may be posted following the event.
1900  Welcome, introductions to participants, the programme
1910  Introduction to the presenter or panel, and position statements
1920  Presentation
1950  Question session
2000  Break for dinner
2030  Questions and answers presented by any of the participants
2100  Evaluations and comments on English usage
2120  Summary and registration for next time
2130  Conclusion