Checkups and Reviews
Technical English

In a checkup or review, you will learn more about available resources which will help you to learn English. We provide you with recommendations and contact methods.

teachers and classes
 20 language schools in Berne
 200 teachers in and around Berne
 500 courses available
 5000 English speakers - and many ways to meet them
 200 people who offer conversational English
 200 people who are ready to do tandem learning with you

 100 enterprises where English is the language of business
 500 Uni and FHS courses given in English
 60 formal public presentations a month in English
 20 expat organisations where English is the major language
 20 regular English language discussion groups
 10 social groups

other resources
books and media
 5 bookshops selling a wide range of English books
 20 libraries including English language audio books
 20 brokis and 2nd hand stores selling a few random English books

 unlimited opportunities
 500 sites with resources for learning English in Switzerland 
 penpals and keypals over the whole world